Prophetic Word for the 15th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 15th of September 2021 - Living Water
When my son arrives for the 40 days he will call all those who want to drink from the living water. This water will transform you into your destiny and purpose. This living water will allow you to be covered with the Light.
The living water will birth the sons and daughters of the heavenly Kingdom. My chosen and separated warriors will receive their first blessing. My son Jesus is the living water.
Living Water
Woe to them who will reject him again. Who will call him a name and make him the Antichrist. They will miss the living water and will not be able to access the new place that is prepared for all of my true children.
Only the ones who have tasted from the living water can enter New Zion. Make sure that you acknowledge and stand for my Kingdom. A new destiny is awaiting you in which you will walk under an open heaven.
Living Water
My son will call you forth to drink from the living water to birth you as a powerful warrior and ambassador of my Kingdom. The Remnant Army will stand up during the 40 days. Even the last volunteer will join and then the end times and the harvest will begin.
Seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first and stand with my son Jesus when he returns for the 40 days. Then you will be able to drink from his living waters and you will be transformed into your destiny.
Triple Grace