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Prophetic Word for the 16th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 16th of April 2021 - Sleeping Churches

I have tried to wake my children up on many occasions and through many voices but they remained fast asleep. They rejected my messages and turned back to the world.

I still love my sleeping churches because I see their faith even if it is not yet perfect. I will not stop to offer them new ways towards Mount Zion.

Sleeping Churches

I call on my brides, my harvest workers, not to give up on their families and friends even if they laugh about you or mock and scoff you.

Continue to spread my Gospel of the Kingdom and invite the sleeping churches to join you on the new path that will lead to my holy mountain.

Sleeping Churches

You need to stand in the gap for the lukewarm, the ones with one leg in the world and one leg in the Kingdom. Stand between them and the enemy so that they will not be given completely over to Satan.

You can and must help them so that they can make a choice and choose life over death. You are my tools, my arrows that I will shoot into their hearts to wake them up.


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