Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2021

Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2021 - Heaven's Door
I will open Heaven over my Remnant Army of Kings and Priests. Wait until the door will be opened. The shadow of Glory will fall onto you and Kingdom Power will be given.
You can not open the door in Heaven from earth. Only I can open it and I will send my shadow of glory only to the chosen vessels for such a time as this. As it was in the upper room so will it be again.
Heaven's Door
Therefore lift up your heads and watch the sky. Soon I will open the Heavens and you will receive Kingdom Powers to fulfill your destiny and purpose on earth.
Then transformation and the 40 days with my only begotten son Jesus will follow. All what I have given my messengers through dreams and visions will be fulfilled. My promises will come true.
Heaven's Door
Wait for it and do not get distracted by what is going on in your nations and neighborhoods. The enemy knows the time and he is on the move also. He knows that I will open Heaven soon.
Do not be afraid when you will receive my Kingdom Powers through the shadow of glory. It might be different from what you expect but embrace it and walk with it. I am sending you treasures from Heaven.
Triple Grace