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Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2022 - Not in the Flesh

Your destiny will take place on a new and higher level of my ways. My Kingdom will open up doors that were closed before. You will be able to move between new dimensions and realities.

This can not be done in the flesh and therefore I have separated your from the World. But the next move will take you into circular time and will place you into New Zion which is not on the earth as you know it.

Not in the Flesh

I have given the flesh over to the enemy so that he has the power to lead people astray. Many have fallen to the vices of Satan and are walking the broad way instead of the narrow and righteous path.

The time of the enemy is limited and I am a merciful God. That is the reason why I have called my harvest workers to step forward into the fields of the world to seek the lost sheep and to return them home.

Not in the Flesh

Your flesh is just a temporary body but your soul will have everlasting life. You need to understand that you must be born again to and taken through the portal to reach your place of destiny.

The tribulations are made for the flesh so that all of my creation has a change to wake up to the truth of my heavenly Kingdom and can make a choice to serve me as their creator. Your destiny will not take place in the flesh.


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