Prophetic Word for the 16th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 16th of July 2022 - Your soul rejoices
The Spirit of Heaven has come down onto the earth through the open portal and your soul hears it. When the Spirit speaks your soul rejoices. You will see it all now with so much clarity.
The truth will be spread by my chosen vessels and will enter each and every dark place to set the captives free. A great harvest that no one can number will be gathered from the nations.
Your soul rejoices
Listen to the Spirit. It carries not only the promise of my son Jesus to return to the world but also my small voice that provides new gifts and mantles for your destiny and purpose on earth.
The last important revelations will be brought to light before the harvest of the ages will begin. I am sending you the helpers for the fields - the former rain and the Spirit of Elijah in the upcoming days.
Your soul rejoices
Whenever you feel your soul rejoicing then listen to the word given to find in it the truth that you need to carry. Your soul is the best indicator to discern between the light and the darkness.
Only when it hears the truth covered in great light will it rejoice. Listen to your soul and the Spirit from Heaven. You will be given the last final instructions before you walk the new path with my saints and angels.
Triple Grace