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Prophetic Word for the 16th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 16th of March 2022 - Heaven will open

I have promised you that my mighty hand will be seen. Now I am removing my restraints from the world so that the end times can unfold. Blessings and Glory will fall onto selected vessels for such a time as this.

See the darkness covering your land and nations. Understand that the enemy must receive his time so that all scriptures will be fulfilled. Trust in me that I always remain in control.

Heaven will open

I will open the portal so very soon. Many will see it but not all. My son Jesus is coming for the brides and many little ones. It is time for the light of the world to return to the earth.

My promises towards you that I gave through dreams and visions will come true. They are different from vessel to vessel but they all are in line with my Masterpiece of the End Times.

Heaven will open

You will see the Light and will be transformed once the portal in Heaven opens and your destiny has arrived. My mighty hand will call all the harvest workers and powerful warriors onto the scene.

The time for great battles on behalf of my Kingdom has come. War is coming to the World. As it is in Heaven so will it be on Earth. There is war in Heaven between the good and bad angels. It is time to merge Heaven and Earth.


Triple Grace


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