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Prophetic Word for the 16th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 16th of May 2021 - The End from the Beginning

I am declaring the end from the beginning and the last from the first. Do not seek me in your worldly calendars but seek me in my words. In the manner I have created the world in the same manner will I rescue it.

The beginning of my scriptures shows you how I took down the fallen angels by a flood and how I saved Noah and his family. You have reached a time when it will be again as in the days of Noah.

The End from the Beginning

You can read about me saving my people from the hand of Pharaoh in the Exodus and now you have reached a time when an even greater Exodus is prepared out of the new Egypt and away from the new Pharaoh.

Do not seek me in your calendars but seek me in my word. I gave you all the patterns and principles that I use to set my creation free. I will send a new army of spirit-filled warriors into Egypt.

The End from the Beginning

A new and evil flood will come out of the depth of the earth to trap the whole world in a snare. It will come suddenly without warning. The rain will start, the foundations of the earth will break open and Hades will come forth.

At that time my glorious Kingdom will move my remnant army into position. My standard and banner that I will raise against this evil flood. My righteous and heavenly flood, a tsunami of righteousness that will flow into Hades and that will rescue my lost sheep. Seek me in my scriptures and learn from my pattern that I use for the creation and the rescue.


Triple Grace


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