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Prophetic Word for the 16th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 16th of May 2022 - The last days

Many of you feel the changes that have come to their mind, body and soul and they understand that they are in the last days before the opening of the portal and the stone throw. My son Jesus is at the door.

You are accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man and to receive the mantle of light from him so that you can be the beacons of light in many dark places. Stand ready because these are the last days.

The last days

I am already counting the hours to the opening of the portal and then you will see and experience my mighty hand on earth. The Holy Spirit has prepared you over the last 7 years for this moment in time.

Changes are coming. Glorious changes in mind, body and soul for all of my chosen vessels who are called the Sons of God and Co-heirs with my son Jesus. I have prepared many blessings for your destiny.

The last days

Do not sway from the path that you are on. Do not doubt your calling anymore. My son Jesus is seeking a perfect bride who is spotless. Cling to the truth and to all that I have revealed to you.

Trust me that your destiny and purpose on earth will be fulfilled and that you will finish the final race victoriously at the base of Mount Zion. A great reward is waiting for you and everlasting life.


Triple Grace


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