Prophetic Word for the 16th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 16th of November 2021 - Show them
Let not only your words speak but show them the path through your actions in this world. This becomes more important in the upcoming harvest time during the seal tribulations.
You will walk in the dark valleys as examples of my heavenly Kingdom. To show them my ways that have manifested through your faith and obedience. My ways will set the captives free.
Show them
You will walk in the light of my son Jesus as his images for all to see. The lost sheep will hear his voice through your actions and they will be drawn to that light so that you can give them the truth of Heaven.
It is the truth that will break the bondage to the enemy and that will allow them to remember what they have forgotten. That all of my creation belongs to me and that they are just sojourners in this world.
Show them
Your actions in the world and on the battlefield will determine the outcome of the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. You are sent to help the lost sheep to find their way home.
Show them how to live a Kingdom life even in the greatest darkness. Show them my love that has lifted you up and that allowed the perfect union between you as the bride and Jesus as your bridegroom. Show them!
Triple Grace