Prophetic Word for the 16th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 16th of September 2021 - Seek me
The time has come in which you must seek me as never before. You need to stand as close to my heavenly Kingdom as possible. It is a matter of days for my son to arrive and you as the brides must be ready.
Your prayers should be focused on your destiny and harvest work and not anymore on trying to defy the judgements. No prayers can stop the end times now. Only if the whole world would repent and turn to me and my son then I would stop the tribulations. Will the world turn?
Seek me
You need to be ready to be lifted up and placed in New Zion for a new dawn and a new beginning. My son Jesus will walk with you in the beginning to show you the path and to allow you to adjust to your new life.
Then he will ascend to the third heaven with the children and his Leah brides. You will continue in his light and on his way to seek the lost sheep and to set them free from the trap of the enemy.
Seek me
It is time to come close to me, my children. Mighty things will happen on earth and you are called for such a time as this to be my beacons of light in the upcoming darkness. The enemy has prepared his forces to ensnare the whole world.
Many events will come forth that will shake the heavens and the earth and many of them will be man made to enslave the whole world. Nations will fall and empires will rise. Natural disasters will destroy many but take comfort that I will take care of every lost soul that belongs to my Kingdom. Seek me now more than ever!
Triple Grace