Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2021 - Stay strong
In the next days many things will happen. I need you as my brides to stay strong in your faith and to trust me with childlike faith.
I will guide you no matter how dark the way will become. I will not leave nor forsake you but will protect you on all your missions.
Stay strong
I have seen what the enemy is planning and I am warning you now to stay strong. Do not move from the path that I have shown you.
Do not go the right or the left but stay on the narrow and righteous path of my Kingdom. Do not trust any worldly leader or politician. They are misled by the enemy.
Stay strong
The world will experience an event that will allow Satan to ensnare them all. A new Egypt is on the rising with a new Pharaoh who is much more evil than the one of old.
Stay strong and listen only to my voice. My sheep know my voice and I will lead them though the dark tunnel into the new place that I have prepared for them. I am the way, the truth and the life.
Triple Grace