Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2022 - The Preparations
You need to prepare yourself for the 40 days with Jesus and the 40 days of repentance. As his brides you will wear the spotless white wedding dress and stand ready for his arrival at any moment.
For the 40 days of repentance search your past and repent over each and every sin that the Holy Spirit will convict you off. Clean you garment in the blood of the lamb so that you can enter your destiny and purpose for my Kingdom.
The Preparations
Let your light shine as the brides and watch the sky daily for any sign of the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is so much closer than most of my children may believe.
Go back into your past and seek out any sin committed. Lay these sins before my throne so that you become new and empty vessels that I can fill with the new wine. Only then you can be victorious in your final race.
The Preparations
As the brides live the principles of Heaven of Love, Mercy and Compassion and listen to my voice and all that I am commanding you to do. You have a final call to fulfill and then the end will come.
My Holy Spirit will convict you over many sins that you have forgotten or that were done unintentionally. Keep them all and bring them to the Court of Heaven so that I can forgive them all. You need to be a new and clean vessel for such a time as this.
Triple Grace