Prophetic Word for the 17th of August 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of August 2021 - Gifts from Heaven
I am sending you gifts from Heaven in the upcoming days so that you can start and finish your destiny strong. These gifts will serve your soul and will bring much clarity for your harvest work.
They will also bestow more and more of my mind onto you. They are specially selected to help you in the seal tribulation to bring in the harvest and to guide my lost sheep out of New Egypt.
Gifts from Heaven
You will know when they have arrived because you will understand my end time plan in a much clearer understanding. Wisdom will be added to your mind. These gifts are the first step of your transformation.
First the soul, then the mind and heart and at the end I will transform your body to give you the strength you need to run the race victoriously to the finishing line. The transformation will begin.
Gifts from Heaven
Some of you have many of these gifts already and might not feel so much as others but do not even think for one minute that I leave you out of my blessings. All of my chosen vessels will be transformed. Am I not the Potter?
Receive the gifts as a token of my appreciation for your diligent work for my Kingdom. You have no idea how much I love you for watching for the return of my only begotten son Jesus to the earth. I am sending him now.
Triple Grace