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Prophetic Word for the 17th of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of December 2021 - Power of Faith

You are standing at the threshold of a new beginning not knowing what will be the timing and the next steps but you are standing in the power of faith. By faith you walk the narrow and righteous path.

And by faith you give it all for my Kingdom. The power of Faith is allowing you to enter your destiny and purpose here on earth. By Faith you watch the sky for the return of my son Jesus.

Power of Faith

A faithful bride that never doubted the return of her bridegroom and that made her ready at all times. A faithful harvest workers that stands ready to enter the fields on the command of the owner.

A faithful warrior that awaits the transport on the battlefield, ready clothed in the armor of God to withstand the attacks of the enemy and to carry away the their spoils after the victory.

Power of Faith

I have given you this power of faith through my Holy Spirit who presented to you knowledge and wisdom of my Kingdom for these end times. The truth was given you to carry it as a mantle and this truth made you free so that you were able to walk in the power of faith.

Continue in this power and believe that all what was promised to you will come to pass. Do not think that the hour is late but that my timing is perfect. Walk in complete faith towards your Father.


Triple Grace


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