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Prophetic Word for the 17th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 17th of January 2022 - The Outpouring

I have promised you that just before you enter your destiny all will be given to you. You will receive full understanding and knowledge to be my powerful warriors and harvest workers in the world.

All of you will be equally blessed with the wisdom of my heavenly Kingdom. I am opening the portal and you will be transformed in a kind of major outpouring of my light onto the world.

The Outpouring

It will all come to those who have volunteered for their destiny to serve me as never before and who have repented during the time when my son Jesus was walking the earth for 40 days.

Repentance of the past is a requirement to receive the mantle of light because you remember what went wrong and will not commit the same sins again. My Holy Spirit will convict you when you have forgotten to repent of some sins.

The Outpouring

It will all happen in just a moment when my mighty hand will appear over the earth and the powerful light will struck all those that have made themselves ready and were worthy to stand before the Son of Man.

The upcoming transformation will not only make your body stronger but also provide you with all the knowledge and wisdom you need to run the new race to Mount Zion where I will rapture you into Paradise. The outpouring is coming.


Triple Grace


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