Prophetic Word for the 17th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 17th of July 2022 - A powerful helper
I am sending you today a powerful helper from Heaven who was sent before at the time when my son Jesus came to the earth the first time. Then it fell on John, the Baptist, who prepared the way for the Lord.
Now it will fall on all those who have the Church of Ephesus anointing as the new apostles in this moment of time. They are the foundation layers as Elijah was in his time. He will become your powerful helper.
A powerful helper
He will not come alone but with the spirit of many of my saints who brought the first harvest in after the ascension of Jesus to my throne. The apostles of old and many of the saints are the former rain that was promised you.
My scriptures are being fulfilled to the jot and title and it is written that I will sent Elijah before the great and terrible day of wrath of the Lord. It is time for the mighty spirit of Elijah to be on earth again.
A powerful helper
I will open the portal in Heaven wider today so that the blessings that are stored up for you can fall on your shoulders. It will all begin on this 717 day with the mighty spirit of Elijah and it will continue over time with all the former rain.
Receive this powerful mantle and carry it in dignity. This is a great favor and a great responsibility at the same time. The Spirit of Heaven that carries the promise of the return of Jesus will be connected to this mantle. It is important that you are ready to accept this powerful helper.
Triple Grace