Prophetic Word for the 17th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 17th of May 2022 - Witnesses to the Light
You are the witnesses to the light. Also you will receive the mantle of light you are not the light but are my forerunners to the end. Walking in the images of my son Jesus for all to see.
My witnesses in the nations so that the lost sheep will see the light. As John was the witness for my son in his coming so will you be the witnesses for the seal tribulations that will start now.
Witnesses to the Light
It is my light that will set the captives free. The light that will represent the truth of Heaven. Pick up the truth and run with it to the ends of the world. Wherever I will guide you.
When my son Jesus will stand in Jerusalem for 40 days of repentance at the beginning of the stone throw then you need to be his witnesses and to proclaim that he is your Lord and Savior and bridegroom.
Witnesses to the Light
You need to stand in opposition to the World, Babylon and the Churches that will deny his name and power when he returns to the earth. You are chosen and guided by the Holy Spirit to acknowledge him in the nations.
The light of the world will return soon and with him the Heaven will merge with the earth. It is time for the Masterpiece of the End Times to commence and for sin to be taken out of my creation.
Triple Grace