Prophetic Word for the 17th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 17th of November 2020 - In the Clouds
My son will come in the clouds to rescue my little children and to send out his forerunners into the nations. Many will see him and will rejoice but others will continue to serve the world.
But you my true and faithful servants prepared for such a time as this, you are standing already on the wayside with palm branches in your hands. In eager expectations waiting for his triumphal entry.
In the Clouds
He is on the way to change the earth and you will see your redemption drawing nigh. Stand now for my Kingdom and in the upper room to welcome your King and Savior home.
The process will begin in which I will repossess my creation. Heaven is merging with the earth and sin will be pushed out. There is no more delay. My Kingdom has come.
In the Clouds
My only begotten son is coming in the clouds and your eyes will see him. Get ready for his triumphal entry. Choose life over death and light over darkness. Separate yourself from the world.
He will search your heart to find my true sons and daughters and he will send them on their final mission before I will take you home for all eternity. My son is coming in the clouds.
Triple Grace