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Prophetic Word for the 17th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of November 2021 - They will be bound

The ones who have chosen to remain and stay in the world because they either trust their evil rulers or are lukewarm will be bound by Satan. For them a time of bondage and slavery will begin.

But the enemy will provide a great delusion so that he can control the masses so that they believe the lie. The lie that he is the rightful heir to the throne of my heavenly Kingdom.

They will be bound

A new Egypt is rising and as of old it will be filled with the slaves of the new Pharaoh. The ones who fall for his flattery and lies that he can bring order out of chaos and will be able to control the world.

In reality he is the child of Satan and Satan will indwell him so that the Antichrist does all in the name of the dragon. All who fall for his rhetoric and sweet words will be bound in his New Egypt.

They will be bound

Only the ones who declare their stand with my Kingdom and who have rejected the world and its temptations will be taken into the huge place of New Zion to experience freedom and peace of the kingship.

I will be with them wherever they need to go to set my lost sheep free. I will cover them and all the dwelling places of Zion on earth. They were set free from the world and separated to fulfill their destiny. These chosen vessels will not be bound.


Triple Grace


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