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Prophetic Word for the 17th of October 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of October 2021 - Victory

On this day I have granted you victory over your weakness and sins. I have given you the power of the overcomers who will stand at the battlefield as the victors. You have been strengthened today.

Allow me to fill you with new wine so that it replaces all the doubts and heaviness of this time. My power will shake you and will transform you into a new being. Someone truly born from above.


You will run your last race that will lead you to Mount Zion, the rapture and eternal life. How perfect is it when you start this race knowing that you have already won it. I am here to change your life and ways.

There is no more delay and no more waiting. All will be fulfilled in the upcoming days. My son Jesus will visit you and will take you into your new home that he has prepared for you.


I an granting you victory on this day. Victory over any fiery dart of the enemy. Victory over any demonic spirit and victory over any old habits that stands in the way to finish the race strong.

It is a victorious day in which I call you up higher. Closer to my throne as you have ever experienced it. I am calling my true sons and daughters into their final race. You are chosen for such a time as this. Victory is yours.


Triple Grace


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