Prophetic Word for the 17th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 17th of September 2021 - Here it comes
I am sending you the Spirit of Elijah ahead of my son so that the scriptures will be fulfilled. It is the spirit of wisdom and knowledge of my heavenly Kingdom. To stand and represent the Heavens on earth.
It will give you the power to stand against this wicked generations and to reject the fiery darts of the enemy as Elijah did. It is this spirit that will later call fire down from Heaven in the places of safety.
Here it comes
This spirit will be your first covering before you will receive the living water from my son Jesus during his 40 days on earth. As it is written in the scriptures that Elijah must come first and so will it be.
His spirit in conjunction with the coming spirit of Moses will allow you to fulfill your destiny and to set the captives free. It is the Elijah spirit that will break the bond in New Egypt so that the lost sheep can make a final decision to return to my Kingdom.
Here it comes
Will you feel the new covering? Many will not at this time because the full activation will be done through the new place, New Zion and it will become apparent in your harvest work in the dark alleys of the world.
Some of you who have been fine tuned towards my Kingdom will realize that something new was imposed onto them and that will bring great joy into their lives. For all my warriors it is a sign that my son Jesus will be the next to return to the earth. Stand ready. Here it comes!
Triple Grace