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Prophetic Word for the 18th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of December 2020 - The Converge

Heaven and Earth converge together. That is the reason why you receive and see so many prophecies that are matching and supporting one another.

I have returned to repossess my creation. The merge is here. A paradigm shift has taken place in your atmosphere. The sun is pulsating like a star, the moon gave no light and the stars are falling from heaven. My signs are converging.

The Converge

The messages I have given to my prophetic voices are being fulfilled right now. Don't you see it? This is not a time for doubt nor mockery. This is the time when your redemption has arrived in the clouds.

Stand strong, my children. Only a short while longer and all will be fulfilled. Remain in the upper room and lift up your heads because your transformation is at hand.

The Converge

You are seeing new matching words daily, new events in the sky and on the earth that were foretold in my scriptures for a long time. The converge of Heaven and Earth has begun.

My Kingdom is here and it will be proclaimed by my chosen vessels as forerunners of my son's second coming in the spirit of John the Baptist and Luke 10. I am transforming them and send them out to bring in the harvest of the ages. I have returned and the converge is here.


Triple Grace


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