Prophetic Word for the 18th of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 18th of December 2021 - Blood of Jesus
It is trough the blood of my only begotten son Jesus that you are saved and through his blood you become my sons and daughters and part of my royal household in the heavenly Kingdom.
It is through his blood that you are co-heirs to my throne. You have understood this mystery of the Heavens and therefore I am sending you into the dark valleys to search for my lost sheep.
Blood of Jesus
Because the lost sheep, as the multitude clothed in white, need to clean their garments in the blood of the lamb. They need to come out of the World, Babylon and the lukewarm Churches.
The brides are called as a pure virgin of the vanity of this world and so will be the 144000. Not being defiled with the cares of this life but resting in the blood of my son Jesus.
Blood of Jesus
Through his blood you will receive your inheritance at the end of the race that you will start right now. The old will be removed from your veins and the new blood of the heavens will flow through it.
The blood of Jesus will create the Sons of God and they will enter their destinies to serve me as never before. It is all about your destiny and inheritance at the end of days. The Blood of my son Jesus has saved you.
Triple Grace