Prophetic Word for the 18th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 18th of May 2022 - Open the door
Open the door wide and watch the horizon. Your Lord and Savior and bridegroom is coming. Be ready to meet him at any time. The light of the world is returning to the earth.
The brides have made themselves ready. Clothed in fine white linen. In a dress without spot and wrinkle. Ready to meet the bridegroom so that the heavenly union and the wedding banquet can commence.
Open the door
Do not hide any longer. Do not stay behind your closed doors. You know that your bridegroom is very close. The day of the wedding has come and all the guests are invited. Soon the marriage will be celebrated.
Open the door and know that my son Jesus will come as a thief in the night. It is time to stand ready day and night. Ready to go out of the door and to meet him in the street. He is coming with all of his glory.
Open the door
As a bride you feel that this is your great moment in life. The moment when you will say yes to your loved one. The moment when Heaven and Earth will rejoice over the Union between you and your bridegroom.
Open the door and be ready to step out to meet my son so that the two can become one. One in spirit, mind and flesh. The new seven years will begin when the two will become one. Then the world will see my son on earth for the 40 days.
Triple Grace