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Prophetic Word for the 18th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 18th of November 2021 - They rejected my Love

They have rejected my love and sought worldly things. They followed the enemy and his temptations rather than walking my path that will lead to everlasting life. They love the world more than me.

Now I will reject them also. I will hand them over to the delusion so that they will believe the lie and accept false gods as their creators. I will give them into the hand of Satan and finally I will throw them into the lake of fire.

They rejected my Love

They are seeking pleasure in the world in gatherings, sport events and parties. They consume strong drinks that makes them acting irresponsible. They follow the broad way instead of the narrow path.

They place their jobs and careers over my call to the Kingdom and they lust after money to satisfy their personal desires instead to help the needy and lift up the poor. They have become self righteousness.

They rejected my Love

Since they do not obey my commandments and since they seek their own master I will allow Satan to bind them into slavery for a time, times and half a time. They will suffer at the hand of the enemy.

Only my mercy will allow the sending of a rescue into the dark places to set the lost sheep free that repent and seek my Kingdom truly. My harvest workers are standing ready to seek the ones who will become the multitude clothed in white.


Triple Grace


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