Prophetic Word for the 19th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 19th of January 2022 - Earth shaking
You are standing at the precipice of earth shaking events that will change your life and path forever. It is time for my masterpiece to unfold right in front of your eyes and in all nations.
Everyone on earth will be affected once these events will reach their peaks. Once the portal in Heaven has opened and the end times have begun. The Heaven is standing ready to shake the earth.
Earth shaking
No one in the world has the full grasp of all what is going to come into the open. Nothing will be hidden anymore and the world will stand in perplexity. Many will be sore afraid over these events.
I have revealed much to my chosen vessels over time so that they are prepared but even these harvest workers and powerful warriors will see and experience many more things that are hidden until now.
Earth shaking
My Remnant Army is called for the moment when the Heaven opens up and my way will become your way. Until then you are in the transition from linear to circular time and have the final change of repentance.
Seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first so that I can protect and cover you when the storm and darkness hits you. I am calling all warriors onto the battlefield to stand against the incoming evil flood. Brace for Impact.
Triple Grace