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Prophetic Word for the 19th of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 19th of July 2021 - You are worthy

I have called you out of the World, Babylon and the Churches and you have shown yourself worthy to escape all those things that will come onto the earth. I will take you into my Ark.

The time has come for your reward. A reward that you deserve because you diligently watched for the coming of my Son Jesus and you picked up my messages and spread them to the world.

You are worthy

Worthy to escape all those things does not mean that you will all go to the third Heaven also the firsborn bride and the children will do that. But it also means for the harvesting brides that they will not be placed by Satan into new Egypt but instead will be lifted by me into New Zion.

I have searched your heart and I have seen your faith that comes directly from a warrior's soul. Fully dedicated to my Kingdom and standing in the gap for the heavenly truth against mockers and scoffers of this world.

You are worthy

Shall I not reward you? Shall I not take to you home or into the place that I have prepared for you? Am I not a loving and merciful Father? I have given the world so much time to repent and to return into my open arms.

They were not listening and closed their eyes to the signs that I was sending them. Now I will give them over to the delusion so that they will believe the lie of Satan. He will bind them in a snare that he has prepared for the whole world. I warned my children for a long time. But you my faithful children, you are worthy!


Triple Grace


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