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Prophetic Word for the 1st of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 1st of April 2022 - The greatest Event

It will be the greatest event the world will have seen until this moment in time. Millions of brides and the little ones will disappear from the face of the earth and the world will stand in perplexity.

The greatest event will take place when I open the portal in Heaven. Myriads of angels are standing ready to gather the first fruits of the wheat harvest and the time has come for my mighty hand to be seen.

The greatest Event

The enemy knows that this event will shake the nations and he is preparing a counterattack to explain to the world that it was not me who has removed the millions who will have vanished.

He will use worldly means, a powerful weapon, to cover up my heavenly event but my chosen vessels will stand true to their faith and will oppose the lies and deceit brought forth from the enemy.

The greatest Event

It is time and you are so close to it. Nobody can stop it now from coming forth. Rejoice because the bridegroom is coming. Trim your lights and watch the horizon for his triumphal entry.

Pick up the truth and spread it like a wildfire when the world will seek answers. Speak about the power and glory of my Kingdom to all who want to listen. Your destiny as my witnesses has arrived. The greatest event on earth will take place.


Triple Grace

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