Prophetic Word for the 1st of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 1st of August 2022 - The birth of the promise
The Spirit of Heaven is in heavy labor to give birth to the promise who will rule the nations with a rod of iron. My son Jesus as the Light of this World is returning to the earth.
He is coming for the brides and the little ones to gather and to train. For the Third Heaven and the destiny on the earth. To be taken to his Father's house or to serve the Most High in the nations.
The birth of the promise
He has returned to a wicked and fallen world to ask my children and their leaders for repentance as Jonah did in Nineveh. Will they show Love, Mercy and Compassion? Or will they reject my son again?
If they do not repent and return to their first love then I will come and smite the world with a curse. The snare will spring and great darkness will cover the earth in a long night.
The birth of the promise
But even in the darkest hours I have called my anointed ones to stand as the rock in the storm and to spread the truth of Heaven in opposition to the lies and deceit of the enemy.
Beacons of light, walking in the image of my son Jesus, will appear in the nations to proclaim the Glory of my Kingdom and to live the principles of Heaven of Love, Mercy and Compassion. Today the promise will be birthed.
Triple Grace