Prophetic Word for the 1st of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 1st of December 2021 - The Meeting
Now the time has come when the brides will meet the bridegroom. This meeting was planned for a long time. It will pave the way to the seal tribulation and the escape of the innocent.
Meet your bridegroom in full splendor. Put on your wedding dress and walk towards him. You can see him approaching from the horizon. The heavenly union will take place now and you two will become one.
The Meeting
You have waited for this moment for a long time and so very soon will you stand before the Son of Man. You were chosen because you are accounted worthy to escape all these things that come onto the earth.
You are worthy to stand before the Son of Man. Be ready, trim your light and watch the skies for your redemption is drawing nigh. This meeting will bring forth the union of the Heaven.
The Meeting
Mary Magdalene was the first to meet my son after the resurrection and the brides will see him first returning to the earth. Prepare now for this great moment when you will meet your bridegroom.
He is coming to take you home into the places prepared for you and his light will transform you for all eternity. Prepare, stand ready and lift up your heads because your redemption has come.
Triple Grace