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Prophetic Word for the 1st of February 2022

Prophetic Word for the 1st of February 2022 - The Visitation

My son Jesus is standing ready for the visitation and the world will stand in perplexity. Most of my children will not believe in his miracles and wonders when he walks the earth for 40 days again.

He is the sign of Jonah promised to this generation but my churches will condemn him to be the Antichrist. They will realize far too late that he is their Messiah. But then it is too late.

The Visitation

As Mary Magdalene had a visitation at the garden tomb so you will meet my son Jesus suddenly. He will walk with you and will bestow the mantle of light on all the harvest workers and warriors who are called for such a time as this.

You need to stand with him. Being his witnesses in these dark times against much opposition. You are my birthed Sons and Daughters that will serve me and my son during the seal tribulations.

The Visitation

It is time for the visitation of my son Jesus on the earth. This marks not the rapture of the church but the escape of the innocent at the beginning of the tribulation periods for the world.

Stand ready for the visitation and to be a witness of my Kingdom during the harvest time. My son Jesus will enter your places because you have made yourself ready as his brides in this season.


Triple Grace


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