Prophetic Word for the 1st of January 2022
Prophetic Word for the 1st of January 2022 - Leah will meet the King
A new dawn has arrived in which you will see the returning King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My son Jesus will now meet the first brides. Leah is called to go out and to meet him on the road.
The King has returned and time will change. My masterpiece of the end times will unfold right in front of your eyes and you will be an important part of it. Stepping forward into your predestined purpose.
Leah will meet the King
You will hear praise reports of the first brides who have met the King very soon. This marks the time of the beginning of the 40 days of my only begotten son Jesus on earth when he will collect his brides and prepares the harvest workers.
Yes, you will see him being part of the world again in a physical manner. His return starts the seal tribulations that will end with the rapture of the church at the sixth seal after the war against Mount Zion.
Leah will meet the King
But before this will happen you will enter the tribulations of those days in which my powerful warriors will stand on the battlefields against the Sons of Darkness and in which my harvest workers will enter the fields of the world to seek and to return my lost sheep.
Now is the time for Leah to meet the King and you will hear the testimonies of their encounters from all nations. My son Jesus is the returning King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all of my chosen vessels will see him right now.
Triple Grace