Prophetic Word for the 1st of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 1st of May 2022 - The enemy will flee
You will command the enemy with your voice. Under your instructions they will flee. Your boldly tongue will move mountains. I have prepared you to stand against demons and giants.
The David anointing is resting on your shoulders and the enemy will flee from your sight. You are chosen to represent my heavenly Kingdom here on earth as my powerful warriors of the Remnant Army of New Zion.
The enemy will flee
You will receive great authority and powers from on high to walk as the images of my only begotten son Jesus in the nations. I will give you the first dominion of Heaven on Earth.
These powers will allow you to stand in the gap for my lost sheep and to set them free. You will bring the light back into dark places and the enemy will flee your voice. Command them out of hiding so that I can destroy them.
The enemy will flee
The truth will set the prodigal sons and daughters free. The truth that you are carrying as a mantle from me. I did not gave you so many revelations to keep them for yourself but to run with them.
To use them to break the bond of the World and Babylon within my lost sheep so that they can decide to return home into my open arms. It is this truth that I have given you that will separate you from the evil side. You will stand against lies and deceit and the enemy will flee.
Triple Grace