Prophetic Word for the 20th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 20th of April 2021 - Ready, steady, go
I am placing you now on the starter line. Are you ready? Ready, steady, go and the race will begin. A race for my lost sheep and the sleeping churches.
A harvest race in which you will be my tools to set the captives free. This race will be against time and against the enemy.
Ready, steady, go
I trained you as long distance runners who know when to sprint and when to trot. You have the ability to finish the race strong.
On the way you will call many by my name and guide them towards my holy mountain. You will stand at its base with offerings in your hands. The harvest you have brought in.
Ready, steady, go
Now is the time to start the race. You were informed about the rules and how times and laws will be changed for the advantage of the enemy.
I revealed to you many secrets that will help you in your race. Time will not take you down but it will become your tool that you will use to refresh you during the race. Are you ready? Ready, steady, go.
Triple Grace