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Prophetic Word for the 20th of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 20th of August 2022 - Stepping into the Kingdom

My warriors, it is time to step into my Kingdom. My ways will become your ways and you will walk a new path that was never available before. A path that will lead you through time and space.

I will take you by the hand when you do your first steps in my Kingdom. You will become my beacons of light in the world and the rocks in the storm. My ambassadors that I sent into the nations.

Stepping into the Kingdom

My called forth anointed ones that were birthed as the Sons of God will bring in the harvest of the ages and will fight many mighty battles in my holy name. They will stand against demons and giants.

You will be called trees of righteousness and dragon slayers. Nothing will be hidden from you anymore and you will have access to all of my Holy Places. I am preparing Safe Havens for you in the wilderness.

Stepping into the Kingdom

You have been patient for a long time and never left your first love. Now the time has come when I will reward your diligent work for my Kingdom by bestowing new gifts and mantles onto your shoulders.

They will help you to fulfill your destiny and purpose for the heavenly Kingdom and to transform your mind, soul and body so that you can run the final race and be victoriously in Christ Jesus.


Triple Grace


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