Prophetic Word for the 20th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 20th of January 2022 - Final Race
Your final race to eternity has arrived. You are stepping into the new season that will guide you to my holy mountain where I will rapture you into Paradise at the sixth seal. You are called to run the final race.
This season will make you my witnesses in the nations and you will serve me as never before through your harvest work and the battles you will fight as my Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness.
Final Race
In this final race to Paradise will the foundation of the Millennium Kingdom be laid and the House of Israel with the grafted in Gentiles will be gathered together as the multitude clothed in white.
Many of my children will stand against the Antichrist and will overcome him and the evil empire through their faith even until death. This final race to Mount Zion will separate the goats from the sheep.
Final Race
You are called now to the starting line for the adventure of your lifetime when my ways become your ways and when you will represent my Kingdom as true ambassadors in all the nations on earth.
At the end of this final race when you have crossed the finishing line victoriously then I will gather you all home in the rapture of my true Church, Acts 2.0. At that moment you will enter eternity with me, my son and the Holy Spirit. Run the final race for the Glory of my Kingdom.
Triple Grace