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Prophetic Word for the 20th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 20th of July 2022 - Brides get ready

I am coming for the little ones and the brides that will go to the third Heaven. Soon I will gather them from among the nations for the Glory of the Kingdom. They are the ones with clean hands.

They have prepared themselves for my arrival and now the spirit will call them into the fold. The Escape of the Innocent will then follow within a few days. All was revealed to you.

Brides get ready

You will be taken to another dimension and will vanish for the people on the earth. From there you will be transported into the Third Heaven to be with my Father and in the Father's House.

This was promised to you even at the time when you were still in Paradise and now it will get fulfilled. The portion of the Leah brides that is destined for the Third Heaven will be gathered.

Brides get ready

Do not miss your calling because you are busy with the cares of this world. Stand at the door with your lamp burning and clothed in your beautiful wedding dress. I will come to collect you now.

The little ones that are predestined to be with me will hear my voice and they will know that they have to go up to the Father. It will be like a whirlwind - a Harpazo. But first I am coming to gather the brides and the children.


Triple Grace


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