Prophetic Word for the 20th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 20th of March 2021 - Rachel, my Dove
Rachel, my dove. I am coming for you. Wait for me in your houses. Wait for me on the roof tops. Wait for me in your wedding dress.
Make yourself ready because I am standing at the door so that we can become one finally. A heavenly union created before the world was brought into being.
Rachel, my Dove
I have watched you from the distance. I have seen all what you have done and it had pleased me. I saw your faith no matter what other said.
I saw your yearning for the moment of our reunion. And I saw your tears when you thought that I delayed my coming. Your are my dove and my true love.
Rachel, my Dove
I will be with you for all eternity. I will never go away from your side and you will walk in my image for all to see. There was never a greater union than ours created in the heavens.
In a few days we will be one and our wedding will commence. The waiting time is over and henceforth you will walk by my side. My bride for all eternity. Rachel, my Dove.
Triple Grace