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Prophetic Word for the 20th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 20th of March 2022 - Extraordinary Power

Do not worry about your situation right now. That you are not strong or even sick. The transformation will come once the portal in Heaven will open and once the flash of light will hit you.

I will bestow extraordinary powers onto my chosen harvest workers so that they can run the final race and be victorious in everything that they will do for my Kingdom. Extraordinary powers will come through the portal.

Extraordinary Power

You will be so strong and so bold as never before in your life and all that know you will marvel over the changes that have occurred with your body and soul. You will shine with a great light. The Light from my son Jesus.

Boldly you will stand before Judges and Kings and boldly will you proclaim the truth of my heavenly Kingdom and its principles of Love, Mercy and Compassion. Wonders and miracles will follow you to strengthen your words.

Extraordinary Power

The new gifts, mantles and blessings will come from on high for all those who are worthy to stand before the Son of Man. Who have continued on the narrow and righteous path even in times of disaster.

The ones that I have chosen and separated for such a time as this to be my ambassadors in the nations and my mouthpieces in the courts of the world. They will break the bonds of many so that they can come out of Babylon and return into my open arms. You will receive extraordinary power.


Triple Grace


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