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Prophetic Word for the 20th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 20th of May 2021 - Will I see your light?

I have chosen you because I searched your heart and found that you are strong enough to finish the race. Now I am asking you to stand together and to spread my Kingdom into a fallen world.

Will I see your light? Will you step out of the crowds who have forgotten me and their destiny? Have I chosen the right warriors for my end times. Let me see your light shine as never before.

Will I see your light?

Focus on my Kingdom. Overcome the evil world and stand as my Remnant Army in unity. Satan plans to overrun the whole world but I will not allow him to destroy my creation. My warriors will enter his places and will set the captives free.

It is now all about the Kingdom and the return of my only begotten son Jesus onto the earth to become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Whatever you do, do it for Kingdom purposes.

Will I see your light?

When Jesus returns will he find faith on the earth? Are you ready to be my banner and standard that I raise against the evil flood? I have chosen you because you have the heart of a warrior. Now is the time to show it to me.

I am calling you into action before I will open the portal in the heavens. Before my daughter of Zion is going into travail. Before the birth pangs will overtake her. Now is the time to step into your destiny. Do it together as one with all of my harvest workers. Then I will see your light shine as never before!


Triple Grace


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