Prophetic Word for the 20th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 20th of May 2022 - You will come out victoriously
My Kingdom will prevail over the enemy and my warriors will be standing at the base of Mount Zion victoriously. They are well prepared to stand against demons and giants. Neither death nor Hell will overcome my Remnant.
Victory is granted to all who walk the narrow and righteous path and who will clean their garments in the blood of the lamb. I am separating the goats from the sheep during seals.
You will come out victoriously
The main wheat harvest will bring the multitude clothed in white to Paradise where I will grant them everlasting life with me. I care over every lost sheep that has gone astray in the world.
Many have fallen victim to the cares of the world and to the temptations of the enemy but my harvest workers bestowed with the mantle of light will break the bond to the enemy and will guide the sheep home.
You will come out victoriously
A revival will take place during the seal tribulation and a rescue from Heaven so that the prodigal sons and daughters can find their way back home into the open arms of me, their Father.
My harvest workers and warriors will be victoriously on each and every battlefield I am sending them to. My gifts for them will allow them to end their final race strong and to overcome the enemy.
Triple Grace