Prophetic Word for the 20th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 20th of September 2021 - A glorious event
A glorious event will be seen on earth when my portal will open. An event of changing of times and laws so fitting for the end times and my masterpiece. A mighty move of my Kingdom never seen before in the world.
It will affect all nations and be seen on all continents. It will change the lives of free and bond, believers and unbelievers, good and evil. It will be the fulfillment of my holy scriptures.
A glorious event
The world thought that my words will never come to pass and that my son Jesus was a myth. How will they be mistaken when they see him walking the earth for 40 days. The light of heaven is returning to my creation.
My warriors are well prepared for this glorious event because they diligently watched for his return. They will stand with my son even in the midst of great rejection. My warriors called as witnesses now.
A glorious event
When the waters will flood the earth and the sky will change its colors then know and understand that this event is at hand. Then lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing nigh.
You will rejoice and celebrate on that day knowing that your destiny has come with great light. But the world will mourn for the loss of their children who will be taken by my mighty hand. A glorious event will unfold throughout the earth.
Triple Grace