Prophetic Word for the 21st of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 21st of April 2021 - A beautiful bride
The bride of my son is standing before my throne. Sealed and ready to serve me as never before. Such a beautiful bride.
Wonderfully to behold in her wedding dress and in eager expectation to meet the bridegroom. My son has chosen and sealed her for this great day.
A beautiful bride
A bride that is not only a faithful bondservant but also a warrior of the Kingdom with the sword of the Spirit in her hand.
Ready to change the wedding dress against the full armor of God to enter the dark places of the enemy to set my lost sheep free from any bondage or slavery.
A beautiful bride
A bride well prepared for her final task before they will receive the place in my Kingdom at Mount Zion. A powerful bride that was trained for such a time as this.
Brave and full of zeal to prove that she was chosen well. The zeal to stand for the Kingdom and in the gap for the lost sheep anywhere I will send her. A beautiful bride is standing before my throne.
Triple Grace