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Prophetic Word for the 21st of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 21st of February 2021 - It is now

How long will you ask? How long until I will avenge all the dead souls? How long until we see the Kingdom move? I answer you today that it is now.

It is now that you will see my son to return to collect his bride. It is now that the best man, the Holy Spirit, knocks at your door to wake you up for your day of visitation.

It is now

Now will you see the heaven open over you and now will you be transformed through my Kingdom powers. It is now that the enemy will start to shake because he knows that his time is short.

It is now that I give the final revelations to understand my end time plans. It is now that you hear my voice more clearly to guide you onto your new path.

It is now

Now will I come down from my abode to rescue my creation. All of it. Now will you hear the sound of my trumpets to announce judgments and justice for the earth.

It is now that I will send fire from heaven to cleanse the atmosphere. It is now that all of my scriptures will be fulfilled. Every prophetic word will come to pass. It is now.


Triple Grace


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