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Prophetic Word for the 21st of June 2021

Prophetic Word for the 21st of June 2021 - Numbers are required

My portal of Heaven is built through numbers. Mathematical equations are the building stones of my portal that I open over my chosen vessels. Number are required to open the Heavens.

You will see and encounter many numbers over the next days during the time when I construct the portal in the sky. Some of you will not know what to do with them and for others it will bring all together.

Numbers are required

The new era can not begin without the numbers who are the building blocks of my creation. Every time when a paradigm shift will occur the numbers will increase drastically and many people will encounter a flood of them.

Be still and witness the creation of a new time era on earth. I am bringing the numbers together as puzzle pieces in my masterpiece and I create the new reality in which the end times will begin.

Numbers are required

Numbers are the foundation of the creation of the earth and are woven into any fabric of Paradise. You exist because my numbers are working together in perfection. Not too much water but also not too little.

Numbers let it rain and they allow the seed to become a plant for harvest. Numbers allow the Sun to shine and the Moon to rise. My numbers are being placed into unity to form the portal of Heaven. My mighty hand will be seen over you!


Triple Grace


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