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Prophetic Word for the 21st of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 21st of May 2021 - A returning King

A King is returning to the earth. A Kingdom is ready to be placed into the world. The lamb will come back as the Lion of Judah. My son Jesus is standing in the cloud, ready to come for his bride.

The firstborn bride and the children under the age of accountability will be taken home. First to Mount Zion and then into the third Heaven. A King is coming in all hos glory and splendor.

A returning King

He will break the seals of the scroll because only he is worthy to do so. The scroll ushers in the end times and many of my people who call themselves Christians will stand in perplexity when the times will change.

A whole new world is awaiting the ones who are not part of the firstborn bride and the little ones. A world in which Satan wants to control and rule over you. A world that is best described as a new Egypt and an extended Hades.

A returning King

My plans for the end times are coming into fruition now and Satan knows that he has just little time. Therefore, he will trap the whole world in a snare that will spring suddenly and unexpected for most.

But my remnant, my harvest workers, who are watching for the return of their bridegroom know the season and the events that will take place. They have prepared themselves to stand against the evil flood. They know that all will start when a King is returning.


Triple Grace


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