Prophetic Word for the 21st of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 21st of November 2021 - Closer and closer
I am coming closer and closer to you. The day is here when my son Jesus will knock on your door to embrace you and to collect you as his bride. You have made yourself ready for this moment.
My Kingdom is coming closer and closer to the Earth and you experience the side effects in nature and in the sun with greater radiation and sun storms. I am preparing the portal for the great day.
Closer and closer
My angels are positioned near you to act on my command when my mighty hand will be seen on earth and the first fruits of the wheat harvest and the children be called into the Third Heaven.
You will feel the new atmosphere. It is laden with electricity and my powerful spirit that is much more available to you now. All this is necessary so that the transport can take place at any moment.
Closer and closer
You are almost there and what you experience now in nature are the birth pangs of the new creation that will be born from above. Belonging alone to my heavenly Kingdom as my sons and daughters.
The seal tribulations has started and the changes will overcome many of my creation. The world will stand in perplexity but you my chosen vessels are prepared and ready to receive my Kingdom on Earth.
Triple Grace