Prophetic Word for the 22nd of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of April 2022 - A heavenly destiny
Many of my chosen vessels look at their upcoming destiny with the eyes of the world. I am telling you that nothing will compare with your new life. Nothing that you have ever experienced is even close to your new heavenly destiny.
So much power. So much strength and glory will rest on your shoulders when you step forward into the purpose I have for you. Walking the new path as the images of my son Jesus on earth.
A heavenly destiny
You will not walk old paths but you will move under an open heaven being guided from New Zion through your Commander in Chief Jesus Christ so that you will be present at the right place and in the right time.
Nothing that you will do will be by coincidence but all was planned by my mighty hand aeons ago. You will live through the Masterpiece of the End Times as my chosen vessels for such a time as this.
A heavenly destiny
Your actions will show forth the truth of my Kingdom and all what you will do has one thing in common. All your deeds are for Kingdom purposes and the great harvest of the ages to seek the lost sheep of the House of Israel and to set them free.
Your upcoming destiny has nothing to do with this world except that you will still be in your worldly body. It is a destiny for the ones that I call my sons and daughters and that are co-heirs with my only begotten son Jesus. Selected and chosen for a heavenly destiny.
Triple Grace