Prophetic Word for the 22nd of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of December 2021 - End of linear time
The great shift is here that will change times and laws forever. I am ending linear time and will allow my harvest workers to operate in my ways. The first seven years of preparation and awakening are over.
The seal tribulations will start in circular time representing my timing and my ways. Your ways will become my ways as I have promised you in the beginning of your walk with me.
End of linear time
Now I will fulfill this promise when I will take you to New Zion from where you will be able to move through the dimensions and realities as my powerful warriors who are sent to open prison doors and to set the captives free.
Satan will not be able to hide anymore in time and space but my harvest workers will find the lost sheep wherever they were taken by the enemy. Everything that was hidden before will now come into the open.
End of linear time
You will walk a new path that will lead you into places that were closed before. I am opening doors where there were no doors before and I will make crooked places straight. Mountains will flee at my voice and rivers will dry up so that you can cross over.
The first seven years have ended and now you will follow me into the seal tribulation where you will serve me as a true son or daughter. You will receive all the gifts, mantles and resources to maneuver through times and space. I will show you great miracles and wonders.
Triple Grace