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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of February 2022

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of February 2022 - An important Day

Today is an important day in which you will see my Glory in many forms. Some of you will be elevated onto a new level and others will receive dreams and visions of the things that are coming onto the earth.

Open your mind, heart and soul and stand ready to receive knowledge and wisdom from on high. I am preparing my chosen vessels for their final race to Mount Zion and the great harvest.

An important Day

Doors will open that were closed before and some of your will feel completely refreshed and strengthened. My promised transformation is here and this day will mark the beginning of the changes.

When you feel a change then know and understand that it is me who has come into your life to make you ready for your new destiny and purpose on earth or in the loops. My vessels will receive the final touch before they go out into the nations.

An important Day

Open your mind and be ready to receive powers from on high. More understanding, greater strength and healing is starting right from this day. I have come to cover your new life and to walk with you under an open Heaven.

You will feel a change in mind, body and soul. Your calling will increase and you will have the yearning to serve me as never before. My chosen vessels will support one another and the Safe Havens that I have ordered to be built. It is an important Day.


Triple Grace


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